Friday, July 22, 2011

Weddings, Weddings, WEDDINGS!

Where've we been? Servicing WEDDING AFTER WEDDING!

The Showcase is smack in the middle of a very busy wedding season! Everyone's had their hands full in the best of ways. Here's a smattering of photos from Prelude's past few weddings:

(That's the inside of a Cutting Edge Hummer limo... woo!)

(That's the outside of the Cutting Edge Hummer limo at a different wedding)

Congrats to all of our happy brides and grooms! :)

The more word gets around about the Wedding Showcase, the more we wind up working together, and it's a blast! As a Prelude photographer, I love walking into a wedding and seeing Pete from Viewpoint Weddings doing the videography, getting to a reception and seeing Jesse Webb Entertainment and his crew DJing, hopping into a Cutting Edge limo to get to a portraiture site, seeing Debbie or Jeff from Cakes to You dropping off a wedding cake... we've really developed a great family of professionals... and friends! Thanks to all who make the Showcase such a success... all ten of our vendors, as well as all of the couples who put their wedding dreams in our hands. We're happy to be making you all happy!

Off to design a wedding album... don't forget, our next Wedding Showcase monthly Open House night is Wednesday, August 3rd, from 6-8pm at the Great Lakes Mall, right inside Prelude Photography! Tell your affianced family & friends, and have them come on out to knock items off their wedding shopping lists!! :D



Friday, June 3, 2011

Photography is Awesome... Even When it's Not Your Wedding!

I'll tell you why... before your wedding, you should use it as a tool!!

While the topic of photography is generally directed toward servicing individual couples for their big day, I want to throw this idea out to brides- and grooms-to-be: if you need ideas for wedding themes, colors, favors, etc., browse wedding PHOTOS!

Of course you can always come into Prelude Photography's studios at Great Lakes Mall and SouthPark Mall and look at our samples (shameless plug, thanks), but also, hit up your friends, family, the internet... the best way to see if a wedding scheme or idea works is to see images from another wedding that's used a particular idea!

While this may sound common sense, the trap couples can fall into when looking for ideas is to buy tons of magazines (expensive), buy books of themes (unnecessary and often too specialized), or specifically look for favors, "themes" and color schemes individually.

My best suggestion? Use Google Images! Look up "wedding" and a color you want to use, and a ton of pics will come up featuring that color! Look up "wedding" and an idea, like "modern", and see what you get! It's kind of incredible the stuff you'll find.

When we planned our wedding, we started out with the mags and shopping... but we got our best ideas from looking at photos from other people's weddings. Now we have our own photos to enjoy! We looked up "earthy cakes" and got ideas that led us to our cake design... see above! :)

Happy browsing...

Cory :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Upcoming Wednesday Open House, Mall Remodeling, & Travel Fun

Congratulations to the Bissells! Prelude shot their wedding on May 14th.

Hey all!

We have kind of a jumble of random news today...

First of all, the talented wedding vendors of our Showcase will be holding their monthly, informal OPEN HOUSE, NEXT WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1st, from 6-8pm, for any brides, grooms or family members planning a wedding! Don't forget, if you book two or more Showcase vendors, EACH vendor will give you at least 10% off their services!

Where: Inside Prelude Photography at Great Lakes Mall in Mentor
Who's Invited? Anyone planning a wedding! Tell your friends!!

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email or call... we hope to see you there!

Secondly, we are super excited about the announcement of the renovations at Great Lakes Mall... hypothetically, the new main entrance will be installed right over near our store - AWESOME! We'll keep you posted as renovations happen!

In other news, I have a story about a Showcase vendor going above and beyond for a customer! Jesse Webb of Jesse Webb Entertainment went all the way to Georgia to do a consult for a customer. Oikay, so he was already driving to Florida when they set up the meeting... but it was still great of Jesse to make the detour to meet with this client... who then booked with him! Go Jesse! :)

That's it for today, friends... hope to see you next Wednesday, and until then, Happy Wedding browsing/planning/dreaming!


Friday, May 20, 2011

Prelude's ShotSpot PhotoBooth DEBUT!


Our brand spankin' new ShotSpot PhotoBooth is making its official debut TONIGHT at the Fine Arts Association's Night of the Arts Benefit Event, "Strike Up the Band"! This photobooth is a seriously awesome addition to the Prelude family, earning top billing with our LIVE ShotSpot event option.

Guests enter the booth, press a button for either a black and white or color print, and the camera automatically takes four shots with a few seconds in between to allow for creative posing. The 4x6 photos print in about 30 seconds (!), and guests take them home - and whoever rents the photobooth gets the whole night's images on CD! Also, we always send an attendant to help explain what to do, pass out photos, and maintain the equipment.

Best wishes to the Fine Arts Association for their benefit this evening, and have fun taking photos!



Thursday, May 5, 2011

MARRIED! - & - Behind the Wedding Lens Part III of III

Right before Greg saw me for the first time in my dress... :)

So why hasn't there been a post on our Showcase blog for a little while?

Because I was busy getting my little ol' self MARRIED! :D

After handling everyone else's weddings at Prelude and consulting with the Showcase for over a year, I put my skills to good use planning our wedding, which took place at Tower City Center on April 9th!

The Wedding Showcase was very involved... I got advice and information from almost all of the vendors, and Showcase members Prelude Photography took care of my photos (see a handful below!), Nichole Meyer from Frosting Accessories designed my jewelry, and the fantastic Jesse Webb from Jesse Webb Entertainment DJ'd at my reception.

The wedding was incredible, and I couldn't have done it without the expertise of the vendors in the Showcase... and now, though of course I've always supported them as a colleague, I can speak for them as a consumer, as well! These folks know what they're talking about, and are friendly, efficient, respectful... and TALENTED.

Here are a few photos from the big day... these are serving as the last of my Behind the Wedding Lens series, as they exemplify some of the key shots your photographer should be looking for on YOUR big day!

More posts to follow soon!

- Mrs. Cory Markowitz!

Ladies & Gentlemen, Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Cory Markowitz!

LOVE that they caught this moment with my dad

Beautiful view from across Tower City

This location was just the right blend of urban & romantic

Your photographer should catch the way you and your spouse look at each other :)

I didn't even ask for anyone to take this picture... but this is my awesome grandfather, who wore his rainbow suspenders to the wedding because he knows they are my favorite... he is a very important person to me and this shot is one of my favorites from the whole day.

Big thanks to Matt Huested & Brian Hart from Prelude Photography for these photos and so many more!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Behind the Wedding Lens... Part II of III

Onward with Wedding Photography Info: Services that should be provided!

- Your photographer should always discuss a shot list with you. I can't recommend this enough. While your photographer should be trained to arrange and execute any sort of group shot on the fly, a shot list ensures that the moments and people that are most important to you are accounted for. Just like a schedule of events is important for ceremony musicians and reception bands or DJs, it is also helpful for a photographer for planning purposes. The better we know the order of your day, the better we can photograph it! And as helpful as it is for a photographer, the real benefit is that it takes the pressure off of you! For example, you won't be standing in the middle of your family formals, trying to remember which photos have already been taken and which still need to be. The photographer will be checking off a list of photos you've already laid out, making sure that each family setup you've requested is taken care of. It can be very simple or very detailed, it's up to you! Be wary of photographers who try to talk you out of using a shot list or refuse to use one... your preferences and requests are first priority!

- Your photographer should offer secure online gallery viewing after the wedding. In this age of technology, this is a simple request, and benefits everyone involved... for you, it allows you to view your images from anywhere, and share the password with friends & family so they can view them, as well (especially those who may not have been able to make it!). For the photographer, such a gallery would drive traffic to their website, resulting in future clients and additional print orders from the wedding. It's an added bonus if people can order prints directly through the website, because then you don't have to gather people's orders and money and then distribute the photos once they're printed... they can do it on their own!

- Lastly (and maybe most importantly), your photographer should include a CD of copyright released images in your package. For the premium prices you pay for a wedding photographer, you should own the images afterward and be able to use them as you please. Some photographers will hang onto these digital "negatives" and retain exclusive printing rights, then charge premium prices for prints. The good thing is, there are enough professional, cutting-edge photographers out there who have abandoned this archaic practice that you won't have a problem finding one you love who will happily oblige.

That's it for today... one more installment in wedding photography, and then we'll move on to another wedding service, to be announced!! :)

Until then, Happy St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, and I'll see you soon!


P.S. Btw, Matt is TOTALLY right on when he says to ask photographers about their training. You'll definitely get to know photographers better based on their answers!

P.P.S. I'm getting married in THREE AND A HALF WEEKS! EEK! :D

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wedding photography training

So today at Prelude Photography, we had one of our training days with the whole crew. There are certain things that Prelude focuses on when we shoot weddings and we have training days to make sure all my shooters are on the same page. It was fun, inspiring and gets us excited about our upcoming wedding season.
I do have to say, I lost the team's focus a bit when our two pet bunnies (that I let run around) started jumping in the air and playfully chasing each other. That's fine, though, we start pictures with those live bunnies in a few weeks.
TIP: If you are looking for a wedding photographer, ask them how they train for their weddings. Is there a plan? A cohesive strategy? There are a lot of great photographers out there. There are also people that just show up and click away. Make sure you can differentiate between the two. It will change how your day goes and how it is preserved. Because after the wedding day, only photography stays. (hey that's kind of catchy, maybe I should start using that :)
-Matt (prelude)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Behind the Wedding Lens... Part I of III

Alrighty... Wedding photography is my business, but I'll try to talk about it from a consumer's standpoint as best I can, and point out some of the most important tips & tricks.

First of all, while you're shopping, be VERY cautious of friends, family, or other amateur photographers offering to take photos for you for your wedding day for a drastically reduced price. Not to offend any of them, of course, as many of them may be quite handy with a camera! There are BIG reasons to go with a professional company, and I'll list the most important ones below.

- Price: There are professional photographers out there for just about any budget. If you don't see something in your range on a photographer's price list, ASK. They may be able to negotiate features in their packages to fit your budget.

- Liability: What if your family friend gets sick? What if your uncle's computer crashes and all of the images are lost? What if your sister's boyfriend's cousin's camera malfunctions halfway through the wedding? Professional studios should have backup photographers, backup hard drives, and backup cameras, not to mention insurance. Protect your investment!

- Editing: Your accomplished amateur may have a fancy camera, but do they have software to handle editing bulk photos? Trust me, you do NOT want to sift through 3000 images to find your favorites. Your photographer will filter for blinking eyes, awkward faces, and perfect exposure and focus in your images.

And lastly, you want your friends and family to be able to ENJOY your wedding instead of having to work! You can always tell them to feel free to shoot as much as they'd like, and their images can supplement your photographer's. Just be sure to mention to give the professional photographer priority in taking a shot, and discuss it with your photographer so they know someone else will be taking some photos.

If you do absolutely need a less expensive photographer, search for a freelance photographer who can prove professional experience or affiliation.

More on photography in the next post!

Happy wedding planning... see you soon!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Whirlwind World of Weddings

A bride in the money booth at the 2nd Open House... brides (including me!) will do nearly anything to help manage the cost of their weddings!

Working with The Wedding Showcase, I've really gotten a decent handle on how many wedding services work, just so I can better understand how to describe our partners to clients when they have basic questions. I have to say, though, that it came in most important when I started shopping for MY wedding!

Yep, I'm a Bride-to-Be myself... our wedding is coming up in 6 1/2 weeks! And MAN, so you really get put through the trials as a bride when planning your wedding. Really, though, the best part about being in cahoots with so many awesome wedding professionals is all the objective advice I've gotten. So I've decided that each week for a series of weeks, I'm going to share some of those insider insights with you!

I know the most about wedding photography, since that's my field, so I'll start with that in the next post... I know you'll be holding your breath in the meantime. ;)

- Cory

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Open House #2

Very happy with our Open House last week. We had a lot of people come through, check us out, talk to us and even win some nice things. Between the money booth and the diamond dig in the cupcakes (plus our giveaways) I think it was well worth it for all to come up. Cory (Prelude photographer) spent some time working out a package that one of the couples could afford. We trimmed things down and made it fit them and everyone was happy. And then they won our $1,000 package :) So now they are CRAZY EXCITED they can get so much more. It's nice when things work out.

So now we're past our open houses and on to Wedding stuff. I'll start talking about that tomorrow. -Matt (from Prelude)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mall wedding show

Late night last night helping everyone put together booths and stuff. I'm just printing a few last minute things (coupons, info, etc) and then off to the show. Luckily we have nice weather (nice enough) so we expect a nice turnout.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wedding Showcase Open House #1!

Wedding Showcase Open House #1 is going on RIGHT NOW! We're having a great time over here, we're about to do our big drawing where brides can win over $4000 in services!

I'm drinking a slushie, snacking on cake samples and hors d'oeuvres, and talking weddings with a bunch of brides. What a great way to spend the evening! We love meeting new people, and we especially love when people win prizes and they're so excited about what they've won.

If you didn't make it tonight, we're having another Open House on Friday, February 11th from 5pm-9pm... complete with our free food & drink, a money booth to try your luck in, and ONLY on February 11th, we're doing a DIAMOND DIG in some wedding cake for a DIAMOND NECKLACE... if you dig it out, you get to keep it! :) Just don't forget to clean it up before you wear it. :)

So we'll see you at Great Lakes Mall in Mentor on Feb 11th, over inside Prelude Photography down the Dillard's South corridor!

See you there, I gotta go help with the drawing! :)
