Thursday, April 15, 2010

I Love to Cry at Weddings

I'm Cory, a lead wedding photographer at Prelude Photography, and I love to cry at weddings. Yep, like the song.

No matter who's getting married, there's always some point during the day when I will cry. Sometimes it's when I see the look on the groom's face when he sees his bride for the first time. Sometimes it's when the couple kisses for the first time as husband and wife. Often it will be during the father-daughter dance, and even every once in awhile, at a little kid who has stayed at the reception way past their bedtime and has conked out on Daddy's shoulder or a row of reception chairs.

I think we cry at weddings - at least, why
I cry at weddings - because we are witnessing what is considered the biggest commitment you can make to someone: the promise to love them forever, be there for them always, be their family. I mean, how can you NOT get all teary when you're honored with an invitation to be part of such an event?

People may think that wedding photographers would get kind of numb to the emotion of that after a time... after all, we usually don't really know the couple past our professional relationship, and we've been to so many weddings that we've pretty much seen it all. But I'm here to say it's not true! Being connected with other people is part of photography. Being able to capture those authentic moments, look at a photo and see how much two people love each other just by the looks on their faces... is amazing.

It's really the reason I'm a photographer... to celebrate the amazing things that happen in our lives, and find the extraordinary in the ordinary. To connect with people, and help them connect to each other.

I'm not always a sap, I promise... but I figured on a wedding blog, where I'm supposed to introduce myself, you should know why I love what I do. We'll get silly later. :)

Have a great day, and check back for more wedding words soon!


1 comment:

  1. and so begins Cory's new company . . . Through a Teary Eye Photography. Just kidding. That's why I love shooting with Cory, not just because she can be a mushball, but also because there is a flip side to tearing up in the emotional moments and that's the genuine excitment that understanding what we do will echo through these people's lives. She is (we are, I should say) always on the hunt for the AMAZING shot. The one that will make the bride cry, the groom laugh, a bridesmaid blush and a father swell with pride. How can you not love a job that has such an impact on people.
